Clogged Air Filters Reduce Efficiency

Cooler weather has arrived in Bloomington, IL, and it won’t be long until you’ll need your home’s heating system to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Now is an ideal time to schedule a furnace tune-up. While you’re waiting for the maintenance visit, you can check your furnace’s air filter. Read on to learn about the problems caused by a clogged air filter.

Restricts Airflow

When dust and dirt fill the air filter’s pores, the hot air from the furnace’s combustion gases can’t get into the ducts. The hot air will remain in the combustion chamber, which could crack the heat exchanger. This can lead to a dangerous situation, including the buildup of deadly carbon monoxide gas in your home.

Reduces Furnace Efficiency

According to Energy Star, dirty air filters reduce furnace efficiency by up to 15%. Your furnace will have to cycle more frequently in order to keep your home warm. The clogged air filter won’t be able to trap any more dust, so it will settle on the interior furnace components. This buildup on the burner, heat exchanger, and sensors can lead to an additional loss of efficiency, excessive wear and tear, and more malfunctions.

Increased Energy Costs

When the heated air produced by your furnace’s combustion process can’t get into your living areas because of the clogged air filter, the thermostat won’t register a temperature change. The thermostat may trigger rapid heating cycles. The startup process of the furnace’s motor uses a lot of energy. The clogged air filter could cause your home’s heating bills to soar. We recommend checking your furnace’s air filter every month. Pick a date that’s easy to remember. Our technicians also check and replace clogged air filters during routine furnace maintenance visits.

For more information about the effects of a clogged air filter on your home’s heating and cooling system, take a look at Custom Air Company’s routine furnace maintenance services, or contact us today for additional details. 

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