Fully Modulating Systems

Now is the best time to start planning for the chilly months ahead in Bloomington, IL. If your home’s furnace is more than 15-20 years old or no longer does its job maintaining indoor comfort, consider a fully modulating furnace to replace it. These modern furnaces offer many advantages when installed by trusted heating system technicians.

How a Fully Modulating Furnace Works

A fully modulating furnace has a burner that allows for tiny flame adjustments. It works much like a car’s drive setting. You can cruise at 10 miles per hour or 75 miles per hour or any increment between them. With a fully modulating furnace, the flame can go at full blast, lowest power, or somewhere in the middle. The higher the flame, the more heat the furnace delivers.

Differences between Fully Modulating and Two-Stage Furnaces

When a fully modulating furnace turns on, it begins with a high flame and low blower setting. This generates a lot of heat in a short amount of time. Once the furnace achieves the temperature setting on your thermostat, the flame decreases in increments. With a two-stage furnace, its flame is either off, on low, or on high. There’s no middle ground with a staged furnace.

Advantages of a Fully Modulating Furnace

The top advantage of completely modulating furnaces is the consistency of your home’s temperature. Your home’s temperature will remain consistent in each room all day and night. Another advantage is their energy efficiency. The Department of Energy recommends selecting a furnace with an Energy Star rating. Completely modulating furnaces offer up to 98% annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings, which could lower your wintertime heating costs. These furnaces have a higher airflow rate, which means more air filtration and better indoor air quality.

For additional details about the advantages of a fully modulating furnace, take a look at Custom Air Company’s professional heating installations, or reach out to us today. 

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